About Me
Betsy Alley
Impact · Insight
I focus on the intersection of business and impact—the potential of businesses to alleviate poverty, produce inclusive economic development, and help combat climate change. My functional expertise includes leading strategic initiatives as well as producing fresh analytical work, while my industry background includes development finance and impact investing. In addition to producing insights relating to the “big picture,” I have brought new ideas forward on emerging impact and development themes, such as gender, conflict-affected countries, blended finance, and most recently, forced displacement. For more on my background and experience, please visit my LinkedIn profile.
My insights derive from my diverse professional experiences, including seven years at the International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank Group). I led initiatives for IFC’s Fragile and Conflict-Affected States program, and helped expand the organization’s use of blended finance. Also at IFC, I served as a program coordinator for SME Ventures, a pioneering program to launch frontier-market private equity funds in some of the world’s toughest markets. Before joining IFC, I was a consultant to Calvert Impact Capital, leading the product design of one of the first gender-lens investing programs. Prior to focusing more on impact investing and development finance, I worked for J.P. Morgan and other multinational corporations.
As part of my focus on increasing private investment in developing economies, I’ve had a particular interest in themes such as women’s empowerment and gender lens investing; promoting entrepreneurship; and supporting refugees and other displaced people. I completed my MBA in Marketing, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship from London Business School, and also have a B.A. in Classics from Cornell University and an M.A. in Classical Archaeology from UNC-Chapel Hill.